Saturday, January 2, 2010

In my opinion...

  • 2% milk is better than whole milk
  • Gummy bears are better than chocolate
  • The weekends are better than Summer
  • Captain Underpants are better than the Iliad
  • Night is better than day
  • circles are better than squares
  • Aliens are cooler than monsters
  • Boys are funnier than well i hang out with the guys more...just so ya know i am a
  • Sliver is better than gray and white combined
  • Writing is better tha reading

Gummy bears and water

did you know that if you put a gummy bear in water it will expand? Well yes it does ,the theory is that the gummy bear is made out of the same materials as a diaper, that is why it absorbs all of the liquid. Well me and my friends did the expiriment and the bear did acutually expand in water overnight and waiting even longer the gummy bear eventually liquified.Amazing? I think so but you should try it to see what you thik . Q uestions to ty is ,"does the type of water effect the size of the gummy bear? ,Is it still edible?,Will it taste good?" You try and write on your blogs what you think.