Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hey people! What up? Check out these cool poems and stories I found on a site called Virtualbark!!

You cry

I cry

You laugh

I laugh

You jump off a cliff

I laugh even harder!

I kow this poem above has some similarity with the first picture on this awsome blog but I still think that it is kinda funny.Anyway, here is another poem...

Coca cola went to town

Diet Pepsi shot him down

Dr.Pepper sewed him up

Now your drinking 7-up

7-up got sick with flu

Now your drinking Mountain Dew

Mountain Dew fell off the mountain

Now your drinking from a fountain

The soda fountain went and broke

Now you drinking plain old coke

You Know you have lived in 2009 when...

1.)You accidentally enter your password into the microwave
2.) You have not played solitare with the real cards for years

3.)The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don't have a facebook or myspace

4.)You would rather look all over the house for the remote than press the buttons on the TV

6.)You practically live on your computer

7.)As you read this list you keep nodding and smiling

8.)As you read this list you think about sending it to all your friends

9.)And you were to busy to notice number 5

10.)You scrolled back up to see number 5

11.)You are laughing hysterically at yourself because there isn't a number 5

12.)You are thinking about posting this onto your blog because you fell for this stupid Quiz! Ha Ha!!!!

this poem defines me:

I guess I might be unique
But I don't remember asking any of you
To like me
I am just me that's all
I can be no more
No less no second guess
I laugh I cry I live
Some days I am funny others I am not
Some days I am in overdrive
And can't stop
You may like me and that is O.K
I'm just me and that's how I'll stay

Hope you enjoyed them!